Workers compensation insurance coverage
Workers compensation insurance is designed specifically for employee injuries sustained on the the job. As a protection for employees, most states require that employees carry some form of workers compensation insurance.
In most states, if you have employees, you are required to carry workers compensation coverage. In non-mandatory states, it can be a good idea, particularly if you have many employees or if they are engaged in hazardous activities.
Why does my business need workers compensation?
Employers have a legal responsibility to their employees to make the workplace safe. Accidents may happen even when safety measures are taken
Workers compensation protects employers from lawsuits resulting from workplace accidents and provide employees hurt in workplace accidents with medical care and compensation for lost income. Businesses are required to buy workers compensation insurance in almost every state. Workers compensation covers workers injured on the job, whether they're hurt on the workplace premises or elsewhere, or in auto accidents while on business.

Peace of mind with the right home insurance coverage
Workers compensation provides payments to injured workers, without regard to who was at fault in the accident, for time lost from work and for medical and rehabilitation services. It also provides death benefits to surviving spouses and dependents.
Each state has different laws governing the provision of medical & rehabilitation services, how the system is administered, and the amount & duration of lost income benefits.